Flag Flying High

It is royal tradition in the United Kingdom that whenever the reigning monarch is present at one of the residential castles a special flag is flown from the flagpole there to signify the event. Seeing the Royal Standard means that the Queen is present on the grounds of that particular residence at the time.  The Union Flag usually flies from the top of the castle walls when the monarch is not present. The person charged with raising the Royal Standard when the Queen arrives within the grounds is the Flag Officer.

One flag, which was flown on the occasion of Queen Elizabeth’s 79th birthday, measures 38 feet across by 19 feet in the other direction.  It is so large that it is reportedly seen from 5 miles away.

Here are two pictures of the Round Tower of Windsor Castle showing when the Queen is present and then not present:

Windsor Castle .jpg              The Royal Standard- the Queen is present.

Queen not home.jpg                      The Union Flag – the Queen is not present.

Who is at home in your heart?  Are you announcing Christ’s presence there?  How close does someone have to get to you before they recognize His residence in your heart by the influence you exert and the witness you proclaim?

And this verse is the statement of faith for His flag flying from my heart:  “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I , but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.”  Galatians 2:20

Sing with me:

Oh there’s a flag flying high from the castle of my heart. From the castle of my heart. From the castle of my heart. Oh there’s a flag flying high from the castle of my heart for the King is in residence there.

So let it fly in the sky; let the whole world know.  Let the whole world know.  Let the whole world know.  So let it fly in the sky; let the whole world know that the King is in residence there.

I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart. Where? Down in my heart.  Where?  Down in my heart.  I’ve got the love of Jesus, love of Jesus down in my heart.  Where?  Down in my heart to stay.

And I’m so happy.  So very happy.  I have the love of Jesus in my heart, down in my heart.  And I’m so happy.  So very happy.  I have the love of Jesus in my heart.

Recommended reading: My Heart Christ’s Home by Robert Boyd Munger